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COVID 19 Update

8th July 2020

We are doing out best to stay on top of developments regarding the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions. The rules differ considerably between, England, Scotland and Wales and we also have to abide by the Scout Association advice, which is currently still Red in some areas.

Whether the situation is resolved in time to organise our usual trip in September remains to be seen. Our main issue will transport as 15 people from different areas all squeezed into a minibus is obviously not a great idea!

Please note that it's not just TSA advice that we need to follow. IMC usually operates in other parts of the country and there are numerous other restrictions, from agencies, authorities and local governments which make it a very tricky path to tread.

We'll keep you posted but will probably have to leave it as late as possible before committing - either way.

Kent Scouts Charity No. 303471