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After an almost 18 month lay-off due to Covid-19 the IMC finally made it back onto the hills, sneaking in a 'Have a go' weekend in Southern Snowdonia at the end of September. We sincerely hope to see more photos from events in 2022!

Articles per page: 10 | 50 | 100 | All
  • Training & Assessments 2021, Snowdonia

    9th November 2021

    A visit back to a traditional base for this year's training and assessment weekend: Old Hall, the GLSW Scout centre in Bethesda. A great turn-out too with a total of 19 people on the trip including first time permit applicants, some permit renewals, a potential new assessor as...

  • Hill Walking, Southern Snowdonia

    28th September 2021

    Finally, after an 18 month lay-off we got back onto the hills! This trip was our usual Have-a-go weekend with a few first timers joining the familiar faces. Saturday saw us take a damp but very humid hike up Aran Fawddwy. Harder to know if were were getting wetter from the...

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Kent Scouts Charity No. 303471